7 Days To Healthier Skin

Tuesday, May 3, 2016
I have gotten so many messages about why I haven't done a "Favorites" post for April yet and if I plan on doing one. Although I am flattered that you guys actually enjoy those, the answer is unfortunately no. I spent the last two weeks of April fighting a bad skin reaction to a new foundation and just didn't have any time to try anything new.
This all started at Ulta. I typically ask the girls there for recommendations on new products and this one just did not go well for me. I was looking for a full coverage foundation. They recommended Tarte Amazonian Clay Foundation, which I am sure is a great product, but my sensitive skin just couldn't handle it. It's VERY thick and if you have dry or sensitive skin it is VERY harsh.
I have never had any skin problems ever but after a week of using this stuff my face was completely unbalanced. My cheeks were red, burning and dry. My forehead, nose and chin were extremely oily and broken out. It was painful and unattractive. I thought at first it would go away on it's own but after a week of it just getting worse and worse, I knew I had to do something. Continue reading to find out how I got clearer and healthier skin in just 7 days!

Yes, you read that correctly. Step 1 is no makeup. NONE. AT ALL. Once I had, had enough I stopped wearing any and all makeup for 7 days straight and I promise it made a world of difference. When your skin is becoming irritable or you see multiple breakouts in a small amount of time it could be and probably is a sign that your skin needs a break. We focus so much on protecting our hair and monitoring how much heat and what products that we use but we sometimes tend to deprive our face of that same care. Wearing makeup every single day of your life is not good for your skin at all.  Put down the concealer, step away and trust me. I mean, it's only 7 days and it will be so worth it. You will see!!

For just 7 days simply everything that you are doing. Forget the face masks. Leave the oils alone. Your eyebrows can wait 7 days. Do not put wax anywhere on your face. Stop all of the fancy products and tricks that you've learned. Don't even touch the exfoliator. If your skin is bad enough that you're reading this for answers then you just need to take a step back, calm down with the products and really focus on letting your skin breathe. Stop trying to heal your skin and let it just heal itself.

Find and commit to a SIMPLE routine. I know, I know. The 21st century is full of nothing but commitment issues but, again, it's literally only for 7 days. You can do it. I am going to recommend the products I used in the next few steps but if for some reason these aren't for you, that's okay. Use whatever you want just make sure you're using the same thing every single night.

When your skin is unbalanced and all over the place the best thing that you can do is to consistently use a light gentle cleanser. Don't confuse gentle with ineffective. There are some products out there that are very light on your skin because of the fact that they aren't really cleaning it the way it needs to be cleaned.
I personally love Olay Cleansing Cloths. These things are literally God's gift to me. With these you can remove your makeup, gently exfoliate and cleanse all at the same time.  I buy the gentle ones for sensitive skin and I have been using these for years. They're only about $6 and you can find them at Walmart or any drug store in your area.
I washed my face with these every single night for 7 days in a row. I didn't use them in the mornings. I don't sweat in my sleep and I wash my face right before bed time so I didn't really need to use anything but warm water in the morning. If you do sweat or have a need to wash your face every morning I would definitely recommend these but if you don't just NEED to then I wouldn't.

If your skin problem is that it's dry then this is a no brainer for you but I know that when our skin is feeling oily our first thought can be to chill out on the moisturizer. Unfortunately, that is actually the worst thing that you can do for your skin. If your skin is more oily than normal it means that your face is overproducing oils because it thinks it needs it. Quitting your moisturizer will only make your face produce even more oil resulting in an even bigger problem.
I personally use Cetaphil for sensitive skin. I have tried many different moisturizers and I'm still experimenting with them when my skin is under control but I always go back to Cetaphil, especially when I start seeing skin problems. I used this product first thing in the morning and right before bed at night every single day for 7 days. You are free to obviously use your own moisturizer but this one is my absolute favorite. It's not too oily or too thick and it is amazing at helping to heal your skin. You can find this product at Walmart or at pretty much any drug store.

Drink water. Drink water. Drink water and then when you think you've had enough water, drink some more! The health of your skin is usually a direct reflection of the health of your body. If you truly want healthy clear skin then you need as much water as you can get. 8 glasses of water is the recommended amount for the average adult. If you want beautiful glowing skin I would recommend much more than that. Cut out the sodas. Sugar will contribute to your breakouts and dry skin. With all the water you should be drinking you won't even have time for sodas anyway.

Once you've hit day 7 and your skin has calmed down and has healed (or began to heal) itself, finish the week with a good exfoliator. Exfoliating will help smooth out any problems areas that still exist and will get rid of any lasting dead or flaky skin.
I personally used my Rodan + Fields Exfoliator. I know you guys see me talk about this all of the time but it's because it is so gentle but so effective. The morning after the first night that I used this stuff I was seriously amazed by the results. You will see a change in the texture and look of your skin in just a few hours. It's absolutely incredible. If you have an exfoliator that you like to use then go ahead and use your own but if you are interested or are looking for one to fall in love with you can purchase your own here.

If you use the 7 steps for 7 days I can promise you that you will notice a difference. When I started off I was very self conscious to walk in to a full day of work and then dinner out with my husband and son with no makeup but by day 7 my skin was so clear and beautiful that I didn't even need any! I wish I would've taken a before photo so that I could show you the difference because it is so drastic but when I started my 7 days I was in so much pain and was hating my skin so much that I just didn't do it. I will, though, show you below a photo of my skin today.

Today my skin is clear and I'm still wearing minimal make up because I no longer feel like I have anything to cover or hide!
As always, thank you for reading! If you have any questions, comments or recommendations feel free to contact me any time!



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